Artist Statement

How we define painting is loose, but the definition of drawing has to be completely inexplicable. There are no edges to what drawing could be; due to this I know it is wonderfully impossible for me to ever fully understand it. Painting lives by stricter rules. This material hierarchy is what fuels the weight projected onto painting, and has always felt like something I have to contend with.

That being said I am most interested in the space between drawing and painting for it allows me to freely question. Recently, I have been asking questions about mark making and its relationship to material, and accumulation and its relationship to time.

Additionally, there are always constructional questions and conceptual questions throughout my process. Some constructional questions are: Can the inherent air of a material be playful? Can I itch the back of a shape? Can the speed stop where it needs to?  What does drawing have that painting doesn't? While conceptual questions ask: can a mark feel like handwriting, drawing, and painting at the same time? Can air be eliminating?  How do different speeds touch? Can a painting have everything that I love about drawing?

Though all of my work is imbued with questions, the answers are not as important to me. My work is simply love letters to concepts and questions that I will never fully know, but hope to gain a better understanding of.